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The Author, Oluwasina E. Oluwaleke |
The Book that shows you how to recognize and nurture destiny-helping relationships. In this Book, you will learn how to unlock the hidden potentials in relationships for the fulfillment of destiny.
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The friendship of Jonathan and David is a rare model to come by in today's world. And we all need such covenant and faithful friends as Jonathan and David to fulfill destiny. Though this friendship model is rare, yet it exists; only that you need to be trained to recognize it. Providence has arranged such friendships for a man or a woman of destiny with a divine purpose. NOBLE TRAITS OF A TRUE FRIEND is a masterpiece on interpersonal skills required in making and keeping true friends.
This book has been written to train your eyes to recognize true friends. Friendships are not crises-free; therefore, the Author has also elucidated on how to resolve crises and reconcile differences in friendships.
In making friends, bear in mind that you may not always get the kinds of friends you desire, you will eventually attract who you are. In my counseling times with people, I have seen and heard people cry and blurt out, “Why am I always attracting wrong friends”. And my response has always been this, “You will keep attracting who you are. If you don’t like who you are attracting, then change who you are—repackage yourself from inside-out”.
True friendship requires great commitments to work. If you started by being friendly, then continue by being friendly, lest you become a fiend. Note that letter ‘r’ is the only spelling difference between friend and fiend. That ‘r’ stands for relationship, when it is missing in friendship, friend becomes fiend.
In this Book, among other things, you will learn:
• How to recognize true friends
• How to make true friends
• How to keep true friends
• The value of friendship
• Friendships to avoid
• Behaviors to avoid in friendship
• Reconciling differences in friendship
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