Friday, March 11, 2016



To be carnal simply means to think, speak, behave, and live in ways contrary to the Word of God. It means to live by natural senses in the place of the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual babes are not free from carnality

All the men upon the earth fall under 3 categories; namely,

1. Natural man
2. Carnal man
3. Spiritual man

A NATURAL MAN is dead in sins and trespasses, he/she is not born again. He/she is completely dead in relation to God. 

A CARNAL MAN is born again but still thinks, behaves, and lives much like an unbeliever. He/she lives a self-centered life instead of Christ-centered life. He/she complains and murmur when tried and tested. He yields to temptation easily. In fact, the works of the flesh manifest more in his/her life more than the fruit of the spirit. He is rising and falling in his walk with God. He is hot today and cold tomorrow.

Carnality in believers is not what you can get rid of overnight or in your own efforts. It can only be achieved through cooperation with the Holy Spirit as you daily feed on God's word. Carnality is never to be rationalized or justified, however, God is not angry that spiritual infants behave as spiritual infants. But God gets displeased when the supposed spiritual adults behave like infants--indulging in the flesh!

No reasonable parent gets mad at a baby when he/she is just being babyish. It doesn't matter what an infant does, you don't punish a baby for being babyish. However, you don't expect your teenager to wee wee or poo poo in his/her underpants. When a baby does it, it is not a concern, but when a teenager does it, it is a big and embarrassing concern. 

It is the same in spiritual matters. God is not shocked or angry when spiritual babes are carnal. However, it is a different scenario when those who have been born again for decades are still carnal, carnality in those who ought to have attained certain degree of maturity will definitely attract punishment. What overthrew the Israelites in the wilderness were not giants, it was carnal mind that made God to be displeased with them. Because those who are ruled by their carnal mind cannot please God.

1 Corinthians 10:5
Yet God was not pleased with most of them, and their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.

A SPIRITUAL MAN is born again and had moved past the indulgences of the flesh. He recognizes his struggle in the flesh, and daily strive for perfection through the help of the Holy Spirit by daily renewing his mind in the word of God. He is being progressively sanctified and bearing the fruit of the spirit. A spiritual person is not perfect but he is daily pressing to know Christ. A spiritual person is not just living in the Spirit but he daily walks in the Spirit. He lives by the judgement of God's word and to him, God's word is the rule of his life and his final authority.

Romans 8:12-14
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

For further spiritual edification, shop for my books @ 

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Template For Building An Effective Prayer Life

The Book that is written to equip you and show you how to become God's powerhouse to liberate your generation.

 “There must be something Jesus knew about prayer that we are yet to discover. His prayer checks/cheques never bounced! Demons couldn't stand His prayer life, sicknesses and diseases took to their heels at the prayers of the Son of God. Demons were reduced to beggars at His presence. Jesus came and opened a new prayer channel for the triumphant Church to follow.” 

It is time we learned at the Master's feet and master the art and act of prayer as He did in the days of His flesh.
The Author, Oluwasina E. Oluwaleke

Jesus said in Luke 6: 40,  "A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher.".

As disciples of Christ,  we are to be perfectly trained to be like our Teacher/Master. If we are to pray effectively as He did in the days of His flesh, then we must be perfectly trained in His prayer life and pattern.

This is what this book is all about--learning the prayer life of Jesus Christ.

Click on the links below to get your copies:

 Paperback On Amazon

Paperback On CreateSpace 

Kindle Edition On Amazon 


“There must be something Jesus knew about prayer that we are yet to discover. His prayer checks/cheques never bounced! Demons couldn't stand His prayer life, sicknesses and diseases took to their heels at the prayers of the Son of God. Demons were reduced to beggars at His presence. Jesus came and opened a new prayer channel for the triumphant Church to follow.”

Prophetically speaking, the Church is in a very critical midnight hour of critical needs. The hour calls for an effective prayer pattern that works and a faithful devotion of God's people to pray fervently to God without giving up, until the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as waters cover the sea.

A painstaking study of Church's history will quickly reveal the truth that great moves of God are usually heralded by the outpouring of the spirit of prayer. Through this book, it is my prayer that God will open our eyes to the needs and the realities of the time in which we are living, and stir up in us again the spirit of prayer. The Church presently is living and ministering in a very dangerous time. So much ground has been lost to the devil due to the complacent and compromising lifestyles of the Church. Through this book, it is my fervent desire and prayer that God will once again pour upon us the spirit of grace and supplication to cry and weep to our God for the recovery of lost vital grounds of truths and also, that of the Church.

In the AMAZING PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS, I have highlighted and explained prophetically, the pattern and the practices of Jesus' prayer in the days of His flesh. This book is therefore my gleanings from the prayer life of Jesus and the secrets of its effectiveness.

I have written this book with the Church of Jesus Christ in mind—to awaken her out of spiritual slumber, that She may come into alignment with the true prayer life of Jesus. Revival is needful for today's Church, but this third Day Church needs much more than revival to function and truly represent Christ. This third Day Church must breakthrough to the resurrection Life of Christ! And unless the Church goes back to the prayer life and pattern of the Son of God, the much needed breakthrough will elude her. It is therefore my prayer that God will move the Church past the erratic seasons of revival to a permanent season of resurrection Life. Amen!

In addition, if you have struggled and failed at developing and sustaining an effective prayer life; this book is a devotional manual—if read and practiced, it will move your prayer life from the doldrums to a new realm of effectiveness and efficacy, where revival is all-time high and resurrection Life is ever flowing!


Prayer works! If prayer doesn’t work, Jesus would not have given the larger part of His life upon the earth to it. If prayer doesn’t work, Jesus would not have prayed first about everything before He did them. If prayer doesn’t work, Jesus would not have taught, commanded, called, invited, and encouraged us to pray. If anybody believed in the efficacy of prayer, if anybody ever prayed—it was Jesus! To Jesus, prayer was not just what He said or did; prayer was the life He lived and shared with the Father. To Him, prayer was a means of sharing the life of God upon the earth. The prayer life He bequeathed to His disciples is the one that prays always without losing heart until the result of prayer is seen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016



The Author, Oluwasina E. Oluwaleke

The Book that shows you how to recognize and nurture destiny-helping relationships. In this Book, you will learn how to unlock the hidden potentials in relationships for the fulfillment of destiny.

Follow the links below to get your copies in both Paperback and Kindle editions:


The friendship of Jonathan and David is a rare model to come by in today's world. And we all need such covenant and faithful friends as Jonathan and David to fulfill destiny. Though this friendship model is rare, yet it exists; only that you need to be trained to recognize it. Providence has arranged such friendships for a man or a woman of destiny with a divine purpose. NOBLE TRAITS OF A TRUE FRIEND is a masterpiece on interpersonal skills required in making and keeping true friends. 

This book has been written to train your eyes to recognize true friends. Friendships are not crises-free; therefore, the Author has also elucidated on how to resolve crises and reconcile differences in friendships.  

In making friends, bear in mind that you may not always get the kinds of friends you desire, you will eventually attract who you are. In my counseling times with people, I have seen and heard people cry and blurt out, “Why am I always attracting wrong friends”. And my response has always been this, “You will keep attracting who you are. If you don’t like who you are attracting, then change who you are—repackage yourself from inside-out”. 

True friendship requires great commitments to work. If you started by being friendly, then continue by being friendly, lest you become a fiend. Note that letter ‘r’ is the only spelling difference between friend and fiend. That ‘r’ stands for relationship, when it is missing in friendship, friend becomes fiend. 

In this Book, among other things, you will learn: 

• How to recognize true friends 

• How to make true friends 
• How to keep true friends 
• The value of friendship 
• Friendships to avoid 
• Behaviors to avoid in friendship 
• Reconciling differences in friendship