Sunday, February 14, 2016

GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!-The Book That Unlocks Your Dream Life


"Nobody has ever achieved any worthwhile thing in his or her comfort zone. True and meaningful life of fulfillment and significance happen outside of your comfort zone. Capture, develop, and passionately pursue a clear vision of the life God created you to live. You are an eagle, not a chicken; you are destined to soar as eagles. Learn from the eagles, Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!"  

Discover The Realm Of Amazing Possibilities!

The Author, Oluwasina E. Oluwaleke

In this Book are keys that unlock your dream life. You have dwelled long enough in that Comfort Zone, it is time you moved!

Follow the links below to get your copies:

Paperback on Amazon

Paperback on CreateSpace

Kindle Edition on Amazon


"Nobody has ever achieved any worthwhile thing in his or her comfort zone. True and meaningful life of fulfillment and significance happen outside of your comfort zone. Capture, develop, and passionately pursue a clear vision of the life God created you to live. You are an eagle, not a chicken; you are destined to soar as eagles. Learn from the eagles, Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!"  

Eagles are amazing birds of prey! This is especially true and revealed through a thorough study of eagles in their ecosystem, with a special focus on how they make their eaglets get out of the comfort zone of their nest and train them to fly—so that their great potentials for high altitude flight and precision hunting may be unleashed. Amazingly, God gave eagles this exceptional wisdom. This is exactly how God deals with His children. 

If you are created in the image of God, you have great potential for amazing accomplishments of the plan and purpose of God for your life. However, your potential is very dormant in your comfort zone; it is only activated, developed, and unleashed outside of your comfort zone. 

You won't see the reality of your potential and dream in your comfort zone. Unfortunately, many folks with great potential, great dreams and great destinies have remained glued to their comfort zones because of fear. People often talk of the fear of the unknown, but equally harmful is the fear that arises from the possibility of losing the known. 

True life happens outside of your comfort zone. There is a realm of life awaiting your discovery—the realm that will unveil the redeemed ‘you’—it is the realm of Amazing Possibilities! God is ready to help you discover that realm provided you are ready.  
To a natural man, it is comfortable and safe to remain in the boat. Naturally speaking, man is a matter, he has mass, and he occupies space. In essence, man in his natural environment is subject to the laws of nature; if he dares to walk on water, he should sink. However, there is another ‘you’, the real you waiting to be discovered. The real you is a spirit who have a soul and live in a material human body. This is the ‘you’ that is not subject to the laws of nature—the ‘you’ that can walk on water and not sink—the ‘you’ that can be thrown into the fiery furnace and not be burned.  

In this book, Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!, the author, Oluwasina Oluwaleke has vividly and convincingly illustrated in practical ways how you can navigate your way out of the false security and frustrations of your comfort zone to the realm of unfettered expression of the redeemed ‘you’. 

In this book, you will see and learn: 

• How comfort zone can cripple destiny and why you shouldn’t stay there any longer. 
• How to develop your faith and walk the supernatural realm with God. 
• How to conquer fear and go for your dream life. 
• How to cooperate with God when He is stirring your nest that you may learn to fly and soar in life as eagles. 
• The power of a legitimate Vision and practical ways of fulfilling it. 

Remember, God’s goal for stirring your nest is to release you into The Realm of Amazing Possibilities, the realm where all things are possible to him or her who believes. This is the realm of God—for with God all things are possible.

Saturday, February 13, 2016



The Author, Oluwasina E. Oluwaleke

“Your destiny is not just to be blessed; but being blessed, that you may ultimately become a blessing.” 

Are you looking for a helpful book to solve financial problems? Do you want to know God's mind on Financial Stewardship? Then COVENANT SECRETS OF FINANCIAL BLESSING is the book for you.

Follow the links below to get your copies:

Paperback on CreateSpace

Kindle Edition on Amazon


“Your destiny is not just to be blessed; but being blessed, that you may ultimately become a blessing.” 
In Covenant Secrets of Financial Blessing, the author, Oluwasina Emmanuel Oluwaleke unveils the covenant secrets to access the wealth and riches God has provided for the fulfillment of your life's purpose and destiny. They are called covenant secrets because they work based on your covenant relationship with the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. The wealthy people have secrets that are only known to them. But thanks to God who has seen your struggles in this area; the secrets of prosperity are laid bare throughout the pages of this book. 
This is a practical handbook that shows you how to access the vast riches of Christ, which was placed within your reach through His finished work on the Cross—in order for you to live the life that God has called you to live upon the earth without compromise. The author's intention is to show us how to be financially blessed, without compromising our integrity, despite the vicissitudes that characterize the economy of our nation and the world at large. God wants you to stand out, not just spiritually but financially too. Like Isaac in the land of the Philistines, God wants you to become a voice and a witness in a hostile and volatile economic environment. This book presents you with God's blueprint for your prosperity in such an environment.  
“God is raising Isaac-like sons in this prophetic hour; sons whose financial empowerment would not be tied to the economic policies, measures, and potentials of any nation. Their lives shall be independent of the vicissitudes that mark the economy of the nations. However, their financial strength and base shall be in their understanding and faithful walking in the covenant. 
To this Isaac generation, the covenant would become to them a position of strength to fight the economic adversity of their nations. Furthermore, it would offer them spiritual leverage to stand out economically in the midst of the prevailing economic disaster. The divine purpose for the rise of this Isaac generation is that they might become powerful witnesses to the Lord in the nations as Isaac was among the Philistines.”  
“God has abundance of good works He is doing upon the earth today and He does them through His children. But how can His children do these good works if they lack financial blessing on their lives? Therefore it is God’s design and intention for His children to have financial abundance so they can give cheerfully and generously to every good work, for God loves a cheerful giver! Abundance is for good works, not personal consumption.” 
“In order to reap bountifully, you must learn the habit of sowing bountifully. Generosity begets prosperity, meanness begets poverty. Faith to receive is in the faith to give. Faith to take is embedded in the faith to lay down.”