Basically this season is about five things; namely,
thanksgiving, stock-taking, praying, goals-setting, and reaching out.
1. Thanksgiving:
It is a season when we need to abound in thanksgiving, though to a believer
thanksgiving supposed to be a lifestyle. From January till now God has been so
good; when we call to mind all His benefits we cannot but give Him thanks. When
we remember all He has helped us accomplish we cannot but give thanks. Even
when we seem to be coming short in meeting our goals in certain areas, God is
still good and faithful. Once there is life there is hope and if there is hope
there is life. 1Th 5:18 Give
thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for
you. We should never allow any circumstance to rob us of giving God thanks!
2. Stock-taking:
This is all about appraisal, assessment, or evaluation. From January 1st
this year, we set out to achieve certain goals based on the dealings of God
with us. It is time to assess how we have fared in accomplishing those goals.
Appraisal will help us to know what we should continue with and what we should
drop and where we need to change our strategies.
3. Praying:
Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it. We need
divine input to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams. So the place of
prayer cannot be overemphasized. It is the time to begin to commit 2014 into
God’s hands to secure God’s direction and God’s favor to navigate the coming
4. Goals-setting:
This is a vital principle in measuring success or failure. If there is no goal
post players will just be playing in vain; there won’t be any motivation to hit
any target. Goal-setting helps us to galvanize and muster our energies in a
right direction. It is time to break our God-given vision into small and
achievable units. Without goals you won’t know when you have arrived at your
5. Reaching
out: December is a festive season when Christmas is celebrated. This season
offers us opportunity to reach out to others. Some little kind gestures can make a
difference in other people’s lives. It is time to reach out in kind and cash;
this will go a long way to brighten other people’s lives. Heb 13:16 Don't
forget to do good things for others and to share what you have with them. These
are the kinds of sacrifices that please God.